Saturday, August 21, 2010

Baseball in Japan

I'm back from Japan and waiting for USC classes to start up on Monday. But before then, one last post about Japan.


I was a part of the Women's Baseball Club at Sophia and it was a blast! The girls were great and it felt good to be able to play ball again after 3(!!) years.

The team

一年生 friends!
They are currently getting ready for a big national (all of Japan) tournament so がんばって!

When my parents came during the end of my study abroad, we went to a Yomiuri Giants baseball game together. Only at a Japanese baseball game will you see Ronald McDonald and Pikachu on the field.

Tiny but the yellow thing is indeed a Pikachu

The seats kind of got squished at the end, but overall tons of synchronized cheering and a lot of girls selling beer. Definitely a worthwhile experience, especially since it was also a rival game against the Hanshin Tigers.

Well, Japan is now over and USC is about to has already begun. Stay tuned for adventures from the school year. :)