Saturday, July 31, 2010

Japan Misc

There has been a lot of cool / random / strange things I've seen here in Japan. The following have been filtered out for your entertainment.


If something falls onto the train tracks it is a very bad idea to try and retrieve it yourself. Instead ask a train attendant and they will whip out a grabber claw and pick up what-ever-it-is-you-dropped. While this lovely bottle of unopened tea was not mine, I was highly tempted to ask someone to get it for me.


Flavor your food with pig boogers after sticking your chopsticks into this.

Another bathroom sign. Just in case you were confused about how to sit on a toilet.

This is an arm!

I don't know why it's like this, but Japanese language classes here in Japan are flat out boring some most days. The combination of 90 minute class (vs. USC 50 min) and teachers that ramble on and on put me to sleep make class very unbearable at times. So... I have to find ways to entertain myself.

Sometimes drinks come affixed with a freebie - in this case a Miffy strap. Found at my local supermarket for a marked down price of 100 yen.

Hoffman Hall 3rd floor cafeteria.

 Moving on to some food... here is a lovely specimen of curry, complete with an onsen egg!

Close your eyes! It's the cutest, and sexiest, Japanese character out there! Rilakkuma (relax + kuma (bear)) is my newest fixation and I have already accumulated a collection of Rilakkuma goods. I think our personalities match well.

Oh my goodness - so scandalous!

Now for Elizabeth's favorite... Capybara-san! There are a few variations, and this one is actually called White-san. Capybaras are the largest rodents in the world and in Japan they have been cute-ified to the max. The Capybara featured here was saved won from a UFO catcher and doubles as a tissue case.

These are some strange shaped watermelons - a snowman/gourd, a square, and a normal one. I wonder how they got that way and if they taste any good..

The mushroom made the bullet super-sized.

When you go to school in Japan, sometimes you stumble upon awesome things in the trash.

I want his pants. D:

Finally, here is my future boyfriend. Bunnys on his backpack, bunnys on his pants, and a bunny (the same as the butt bunnys) on his plastic bag.

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